Monday, April 15, 2013

Loosing weight is really exciting.  It's more exciting with help and when you can talk about it.  When your working out its expensive to hire a personal trainer.  The other route to go is find a group of people or a club of people that love the same thing like working out.  Most of the groups out there will have a personal trainer thats in the club most likely.  So you  can always run questions though them while learning on your own or just copy a workout that another is doing that fits your needs.

For me I love for it helps with everything you need for working out.  It puts the power of a personal trainer at your fingertips.  When your trying to get to the weight that you need you cant just work out and work out then go and eat some fast food.  You need to have both parts down the diet and the exercise together.  When you accomplish that its magic.

Alittle about myself at the moment I'm going to be getting my degree in sports nutrition.  I love working out and love helping others find their way to a healthy lifestyle.  When you look good you tend to feel good mentally.  Through out highschool I was a fatty.  I played Rugby and Football for 5 years but never had the feeling like I needed to drop the weight.  In school I was at 315lbs pretty darn big.  It wasn't all fat but I still hated how I looked everyday.  After high school I didn't really change too much because I was putting in so many hours at work.  I finally got laid off from work and said what the heck I'll join the army.  When I joined the army I was at around 290lbs.  I ended up joining the Infantry 11B.  During my time when I joined in 2009 they have a program were if you could do like 25 push ups and 5 min doing stair steppers you could join which I passed.  It kinda screwed me over because once I was in they told me I needed to be at 21% body fat area.  So with intensive exercise and a hellish diet I managed to drop 75lbs and passed at 20% body fat.  Now for the last 4 years I've been working out and dieting with a few cheat days a month and I'm currently at 221lbs which I'm still working on lowering but I love how I look

This is me in 2007 High School Graduating (315lbs)

2011 Overseas 221lbs

Monday, April 8, 2013

Going to school for Sports Nutrition

Well im back to working out just got out of the army now I have too much time on my hands so I though to go to school for Sports Nutrition and get certified to help people loose fat and get in shape.  I figured that I love working out and whats not better than getting paid to help people get skinny and just helping people promote a healthy lifestyle.  I'm going on the idea that I haven't always been skinny.  Most of the trainers out there are just normal skinny people that eat and live a healthy lifestyle and have never had to go though the stage of life of being fat or really over weight.  So over weight that you cant see your ding dong unless you search for it haha.  I can happily say that was me.  I used to weight 300+ LBS.  Not saying it was all muscle but I could handle my self while playing Rugby or Foot Ball.

Who doesn't love to eat.  We need to eat to live.  You just need to restrict what your eating to portions and figure out what is healthy and affordable.  I've lived off barley making any money in the army and still eating a good diet of chicken, steak, and lots of veggies.  Even though you can loose weight just by eating healthy and small but lots of meals though out the day.  Why not mix a few workouts in the week to make better results in.

I lost most of my weight because of the army.  It could of been the 5-12 Mile Ruck marches or the 10-15mile runs at a 8 mile pace.  The only way I was able to keep going and to loose the weight was to have people that were like minded as me.  People that hated how they looked and just wanted to better themselves   To this day I have a Great Friend though the military I still Talk to weekly that shares the same ideals of working out constantly and dieting makes you feel better.  When your not afraid to take your shirt off at the beach really means a lot to most people.  I used to hate to even wear sleeveless shirts.  But now I love how I look but still have room for improvement 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Everyone is trying to do the same thing year by year.  Loosing weight isn't that hard its more of the motivation that people lack to accomplish their goals.  I still have some hard time in my workouts that I have a cheat day every month just so I can treat myself instead of cheating.  Dieting is one of the biggest parts of loosing weight.  You can do amazing workouts in the gym day by day and get no were if you swallow down a large pizza after.  You need to eat too you shouldn't be not eating that just makes your body hold onto the fat that people are trying to loose.  If you really want to eat good and help the fat loss you want to eat small meals and a lot of them.  I usually eat 8 times a day just to keep my metabolism up.  I've always been a big guy so my body is prone to go back to whats it is used to which is 325lb.  it took me about 2.5 years to get a system to loose wight and now I'm down to 221-225 depends on water intake.

A Little about me.  I grew up in a Mexican/Italian family so lots of carbs  every night mixed with fatty foods.  Never ate healthy but did work out all the time.  While in school I broke 300lbs, played Rugby and Football and loved it.  I kinda dropped that weight down to 285 after I finished high school.  That was because I didn't eat that much because family got separated so didn't get the best cooked meals all the time but just not that many.  Kinda got laid off at my job sucking off of the tit of unemployment for 6 months than said fk it.  I'm going to join the army.  Ill loose the weight for sure in there and have some great experiences on the side. So I thought if I'm going to join its gonna be for the real deal and I went Infantry.  I ended up dropping 80lbs while in basic training from the constant working out and being active daily.  To the meals and quantity of the meals.  Presently I'm still in the army with the 101st AB(AA) 2/327 Infantry and it was probably greatest choice in my life.  Here I kinda was brain washed to workout everyday and eat healthy because if you do get fat you will be kicked out and loose that job.  So at the moment I'm at 221lbs working out everyday and kinda eating right just like before.  I'm about to go on a hard diet to follow but ill have the time on my hands because I'm not flying back home in Cali.  for the vacation time.